There is need to createawareness among public about hearing loss and utility python listening to aids. Background: Sensorineuralhearing loss SNHL is most typical form python listening to loss, 90% python hearing losscases. It was accompanied that diabetes and high blood pressure both may cause SNHLthrough diabetic microangiography and hypertensive retinopathy in earrespectively. Considering prevalence python diabetes and hypertension in India,extremely in state python Maharashtra and their association with sensorineuralhearing loss, it was decided to compare dating and frequency python SNHL inadult inhabitants python Mumbai metropolitan region. Methodology: Theaim python study was to investigate relationship and frequency python SNHL due topreviously diagnosed diabetes mellitus and/or hypertension in adult populationof Mumbai metropolitan region. In latest study, protocol was designed forsemi based qualitative interviews python physicians to investigate relationshipand prevalence python SNHL.

By mark